Saturday 23 February 2013

Fatherland review now online

Image credit: Nic Green

My writing on Nic Green's powerful performance Fatherland, is now online for all to see. It was a really useful process to write something in response to seeing a performance. Having to revisit and digest what I witnessed at IBT13 made the visit worthwhile. I am not a writer, and certainly not a confident one, but it was important for me to speak about the impact that Nic Green's work had on me.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Retreat 2013

Retreat 2013, Photocredit Michael Whitby
Retreat 2013, Photocredit Michael Whitby

Retreat 2013, Photocredit Michael Whitby
Retreat 2013, Photocredit Michael Whitby

I have recently returned home after spending an intense week on an artists rural workshop in North Wales. It was such a pleasure to communally live with such an inspiring group of talented artists. Retreat is organised by artist Michael Whitby who is based in London. Each evening three artists presented their work and we then held discussions in response. After being out of art school for a long time this was the perfect environment for me. I have long craved critical feedback, and have come away from Retreat with a new perspective on my work and the way I make. The new friendships and connections I have made through the retreat are very valuable to me and I cant wait to have a full experience of the work made by the artists I met.

Look out for the Retreat 2013 publication coming soon.

For more information on Retreat please visit:

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Oo-del-ally! Fortunes Forecast. Lucky Charms.

Robin Hood as a Fortune Teller
The outlook is good. I have now redesigned my website in the aim that it is more in line with how my current work is taking shape. There are less pages, which I think is easier to navigate and it functions as a portfolio of my practice since 2006.

Oo-del-ally! Check it out:

Aspirations for a creative Wales in 2020

I was asked to discuss my hopes for a creative Wales in 2020. This gave me a lot of food for thought and I spent a long time going over my response. I would really like to see Wales offer up more independent modes of study i.e DIY Art Masters that could be assosciated with some of Wales' leading galleries. I think Wales really needs to strive to be more international on every level. Here is a video of the interview. There is an English and a Welsh version:

